Home Schooling
The only way to really KNOW what your children are being taught is to participate actively in some sort of hybrid, alternative home-involved school. It is important to find what works for your family and your children. As you well know, our kids are our future! Be sure they are being taught principles that you hold dear. These principles need to include the values of honesty, leadership, love and passion.
Do you know what makes your own kids' hearts sing? It will change almost daily, but by having constant and non-judgmental conversations often, you can stay connected to their interests, desires and personal goals. The best way to support them is to talk often, talk with fun and love in your heart and listen, listen, LISTEN.
Do your best to be sure that your children understand what a fantastic world we live in. Be sure to show your appreciation for this country and all the opportunities it holds. Children learn by what they see and hear in your example--not what is being preached to them. Show them how blessed and fantastic our country and our freedoms are. Show them that each generation must keep the flame of the Republic alive and well. We have too close to losing it!
The internet is full of alternative educational options. Be aware that many may not fit in with your own beliefs, goals and philosophies. We have not taken time to vet all these sites found on the internet. Each family must do their own research and due diligence to find a school that will work for them. Also be sure to check with your local school district to be sure that your home schooling choice fits into the allowable curriculum for graduation (if that is important to you).
If you do your own web searches, you will find similar offerings that may be most appropriate for your area. Many home school programs have local "pods" or groups in order to let children have the advantage of mixing and mingling. Field trips and other social events can be planned amongst the group.
It is very important to allow your children to have access to sports and other "regular" types of activities that home schooling may not afford. You can easily find resources in your area to provide much of this helpful support. Be sure they mix and mingle with lots of kids around their age. Sports, music, drama and many other extracurricular activities are extremely valuable--even vital--to the development of strong, mentally heathy youngsters.
Be sure to temper any time that they spend on social media with real-life activities. They need to know the difference!
Here are a few of the links I found while internet searching (I never use Google. Instead, try Duck Duck Go or Freespoke).
Good luck in your search -- it will be well worth it!
Do you know what makes your own kids' hearts sing? It will change almost daily, but by having constant and non-judgmental conversations often, you can stay connected to their interests, desires and personal goals. The best way to support them is to talk often, talk with fun and love in your heart and listen, listen, LISTEN.
Do your best to be sure that your children understand what a fantastic world we live in. Be sure to show your appreciation for this country and all the opportunities it holds. Children learn by what they see and hear in your example--not what is being preached to them. Show them how blessed and fantastic our country and our freedoms are. Show them that each generation must keep the flame of the Republic alive and well. We have too close to losing it!
The internet is full of alternative educational options. Be aware that many may not fit in with your own beliefs, goals and philosophies. We have not taken time to vet all these sites found on the internet. Each family must do their own research and due diligence to find a school that will work for them. Also be sure to check with your local school district to be sure that your home schooling choice fits into the allowable curriculum for graduation (if that is important to you).
If you do your own web searches, you will find similar offerings that may be most appropriate for your area. Many home school programs have local "pods" or groups in order to let children have the advantage of mixing and mingling. Field trips and other social events can be planned amongst the group.
It is very important to allow your children to have access to sports and other "regular" types of activities that home schooling may not afford. You can easily find resources in your area to provide much of this helpful support. Be sure they mix and mingle with lots of kids around their age. Sports, music, drama and many other extracurricular activities are extremely valuable--even vital--to the development of strong, mentally heathy youngsters.
Be sure to temper any time that they spend on social media with real-life activities. They need to know the difference!
Here are a few of the links I found while internet searching (I never use Google. Instead, try Duck Duck Go or Freespoke).
- The American School of Correspondence: https://www.americanschoolofcorr.com/ -- This was the correspondence course that my own two highschoolers used to finish school. Now, with the invention of the internet, the courses are more streamlined and easier to use. Definitely check this out. Has been used for many years by entertainers, athletes, missionaries, etc. to have the young folks continue with a quality education. To my knowledge it is non-partisan, not affiliated with any religious organization, etc. Click here for more about The American School.
- Homeschool.Com: https://www.homeschool.com/ -- gives a very good overview about homeschooling. Ot gives "how to get started" and a full list of all the states and the laws governing home schooling in your state. I noticed something interesting in the notes about Colorado (where I know live, although my children and grandchildren are past being homeschooled). The requirements in Colorado for homeschooling are to teach about the US Constitution! Plus a lot more.
- Powerschool.com: https://www.powerschool.com/ -- I saw this advertised on TV, so they must be making money to afford that. Looks like a good resource. While the founders and some of the officers are from India, or maybe other countries, it appears they have a solid foundation in the US. This is a good resource for curriculum that isn't watered down.
- Acellus Academy: https://www.acellusacademy.com/about-us/ -- They do a lot of TV advertising in our area. It might just be me, but I am a little suspicious of the affiliation with the International Academy of Science. It smacks of globalism for me.
- Outschool.com: https://outschool.com/ -- Over 140,000 interactive, online classes. Keep kids ages 3-18 engaged with thousands of classes and camps on the topics they're most passionate about!
- American Education Defenders: https://www.americaneducationdefenders.com/--this is great for teenagers!
- The Frugal Home Schooling Mom -- https://www.tfhsm.com/free-alternatives-to-public-school/
- K-12 Online Schools Offer Alternatives -- https://mommypoppins.com/k12-online-school-alternatives
- Online Alternative Education & Virtual School -- https://www.edgenuity.com/alternative-education/
Good luck in your search -- it will be well worth it!