NESARA or the Quantum Financial System
It seems very likely that NESARA is about to be instituted in the United States and GESARA will be instituted in most of the rest of the global countries. Here is a short rundown of what happened in the past and what it might look like for US citizens today. The story actually begins much earlier in our country's history, but for brevity I will begin with the most recent events.
PREFACE: During his presidency, John F. Kennedy became aware of the evil "secret societies" that sought to control the world, primarily financially. He made plans and provision to return the US to a currency that was was backed by hard assets, i.e., gold, silver, etc. His plans were abruptly halted by his assassination. More of that history will be told a little later. Fast forward to the 1990s. . . .
Of course, like him or hate him, Donald Trump was elected by both popular vote and Electoral College majority in 2016. Many events occurred during his presidency that were not reported by the media. That media was too busy trying to find dirt about him or his family. The CIA Operation Mockingbird was/is in full force.
It is important to understand that the implementation of NESARA/GESARA has very little to do the the political parties in the US and other governments. This is a deeper and more important issue. This is about removing the people of the world from a slavery imposed on them for hundreds (even thousands) of years by nefarious bloodlines (and their minions) that want a New World Order with all the money and power for themselves.
The Deep State sure didn’t like Trump being elected. George Bush, Sr. and a vast cast of characters had been working diligently to take this country and the entire planet into the New World Order. I’m not crazy about the future this New World Order would bring us. I do not like socialism or communism. No one party is responsible for bringing this to our doorstep. It has been a working plan for hundreds of years.
No inference nor endorsement of any political positions or parties is intended here. I’ve never joined any of the political parties, instead purposely remaining unaffiliated on the voter rolls. Many positions taken by almost all of the political parties are not acceptable to me. I am not a joiner. I don’t trust politicians or government shills. The points above and what is spelled out in America’s First Freedom is just what was found from hundreds of hours of research. I will, however, admit that I am a staunch supporter of our original Republic as founded in 1776. The idea of being able to return to that form of governing really thrills me!
Most of the entire world is aware of the C-19 pandemic. My research and sources have given me a very different view on many events, including the pandemic. I believe the biggest challenge of this medical issue is the FEAR that has been instilled in everyone. I believe it is far more dangerous than any virus – fear is the virus and is contagious. Statistics can and are being manipulated. We must each guard our minds and bodies from the insidious fear that is propagated by our media and medical establishments.
Whether or not the White Hat Alliance can bring about the institution of NESARA, time will tell. It is the law of the land, just waiting to be instituted. There are powerful forces banded together trying to prevent it, and they will stop at nothing to prevent our country from returning to being a Republic under the precepts of NESARA.
How NESARA Might Look
NESARA calls for the following changes:
Can you believe that this is already law in the US? It maybe seems unbelievable, but it is true. It is going to be revealed! What might it look like?
In the NESARA society our Creator wants us to have excellence in all areas of our lives. We’ll find wonderful abilities untapped like treasure for the betterment of humanity with witty inventions of new technologies to enhance and improve our lives. When one is not struggling for mere existence, boundless creativity can exist.
Our transition will be from the chaotic systems we've endured to an environment that will feel like miracles before our very eyes. We will participate in fabulous benefits of the new wonders, inventions, and resources of our world. New technologies will enhance every aspect of living and ridding society of hunger, poverty, ignorance, injustice, prejudice and lack of understanding through educational methods will enable everyone with an in-depth understanding of traditional and non-traditional knowledge absolutely free. It will become a right of every human to be empowered with the highest levels of education in every discipline desired.
The results will be simple: the Human Resource will be viable for the future of humanity. There will no longer be sickness or disease, hunger or poverty, war or the causes of war among humanity, or natural disasters without protection from the elements thereof using new engineering and advanced materials sufficient to withstand typical natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, or the impact of a meteor.
The benefits will also include technology for the cure of present day medical illness without common pharmaceuticals, advanced technology to replace missing limbs, advanced technology to correct physical issues related to mental illness, advanced technology to reverse aging, advanced technology to remove negative elements within illegal vaccines designed for depopulation.
Imagine the creation of new superfoods that will enhance the human body in so many areas and supply food without those chemicals that have tainted our food supply. Imagine 86 new food groups and new wonderful gourmet dishes made from new food sources.
Imagine the creation and implementation of new transportation technology that does not pollute the environment or use of fossil fuels. Imagine flying your RV to remote camping sites using all the comforts of home without disrupting the environment. Boating on Oceans and Lakes but not making wakes but flying to locations and settling on the waters again with all the comforts of home without disrupting or polluting the water but enjoying the habitats in or out of the water.
Also imagine the creation of new security forces to protect humanity from harm and security from the unknown. Imagine respecting all cultures and the people of host nations with their individual liberties and well-being; not the UN or any other world government concept but the same benefit to each host nation for the benefits of their people on Earth and in other planets with new transportation from Earth to other dimensions and plants eco-friendly to our own (Taken from Man of God Document 9).
What a glorious world that will be! For updates on NESARA/GESARA go here.
PREFACE: During his presidency, John F. Kennedy became aware of the evil "secret societies" that sought to control the world, primarily financially. He made plans and provision to return the US to a currency that was was backed by hard assets, i.e., gold, silver, etc. His plans were abruptly halted by his assassination. More of that history will be told a little later. Fast forward to the 1990s. . . .
- In 1992, a task force of over 300 retired and active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law was permitted to investigate governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve. Only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest.
- More importantly they carried out the first-ever audit of the Federal Reserve. After reviewing their files, the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. And, contrary to federal government propaganda, it is reported that they also discovered most nations, in fact, owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.
- These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into safe bank accounts. This money will be available to be the basis of what are called the Prosperity Programs and are part of NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act).
- The Deep State with George H.W. Bush as their henchman continued with plans for the New World Order. secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway on December 25, 1992, that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. It was thwarted by the US Military White Knights (White Hats).
- William Jefferson Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10th, 2000, and it was to be announced the morning of September 11th, 2001.
- On September 11, 2001, at 10 am Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Banking system, debt forgiveness for all US citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements under NESARA. Of course, we know what happened that morning instead.
- The US and entire world have lived in fear of terrorists since that fateful day. Speculation and theories abound as to what actually occurred that day. I fully trust we’ll all learn the truth someday. All during this time the White Hat Mostly-Military Alliance regrouped and continued with plans to save America.
- 2014 or 2015 these same White Hat military generals, and supporters of returning to the original Constitution and re-establishing our Republic, approached Donald Trump and requested that he run for office. They guaranteed he would have the very best military protection for himself and his family members. They laid out the plan for instituting and enforcing NESARA, thus bringing the US back to a free and flourishing Republic.
Of course, like him or hate him, Donald Trump was elected by both popular vote and Electoral College majority in 2016. Many events occurred during his presidency that were not reported by the media. That media was too busy trying to find dirt about him or his family. The CIA Operation Mockingbird was/is in full force.
It is important to understand that the implementation of NESARA/GESARA has very little to do the the political parties in the US and other governments. This is a deeper and more important issue. This is about removing the people of the world from a slavery imposed on them for hundreds (even thousands) of years by nefarious bloodlines (and their minions) that want a New World Order with all the money and power for themselves.
The Deep State sure didn’t like Trump being elected. George Bush, Sr. and a vast cast of characters had been working diligently to take this country and the entire planet into the New World Order. I’m not crazy about the future this New World Order would bring us. I do not like socialism or communism. No one party is responsible for bringing this to our doorstep. It has been a working plan for hundreds of years.
No inference nor endorsement of any political positions or parties is intended here. I’ve never joined any of the political parties, instead purposely remaining unaffiliated on the voter rolls. Many positions taken by almost all of the political parties are not acceptable to me. I am not a joiner. I don’t trust politicians or government shills. The points above and what is spelled out in America’s First Freedom is just what was found from hundreds of hours of research. I will, however, admit that I am a staunch supporter of our original Republic as founded in 1776. The idea of being able to return to that form of governing really thrills me!
Most of the entire world is aware of the C-19 pandemic. My research and sources have given me a very different view on many events, including the pandemic. I believe the biggest challenge of this medical issue is the FEAR that has been instilled in everyone. I believe it is far more dangerous than any virus – fear is the virus and is contagious. Statistics can and are being manipulated. We must each guard our minds and bodies from the insidious fear that is propagated by our media and medical establishments.
Whether or not the White Hat Alliance can bring about the institution of NESARA, time will tell. It is the law of the land, just waiting to be instituted. There are powerful forces banded together trying to prevent it, and they will stop at nothing to prevent our country from returning to being a Republic under the precepts of NESARA.
How NESARA Might Look
NESARA calls for the following changes:
- Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a jubilee or a forgiveness of debt. (There are Biblical references to the Year of Jubilee.)
- Abolishes personal income tax.
- Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
- Creates a 10-14% flat rate non-essential, new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed nor will used items such as used cars or older homes.
- Increases benefits to senior citizens.
- Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
- Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment (the original 13th Amendment) that forbids lawyers to serve in Congress.
- Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us to constitutional law.
- Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities by special interest groups.
- Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
- Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
- Initiates new US Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
- Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side with the US Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
- Restores financial privacy.
- Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
- Ceases all aggressive US government military actions worldwide.
- Establishes peace throughout the world.
- Releases for humanitarian purposes enormous sums of money that was stolen from people over the years.
- Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
Can you believe that this is already law in the US? It maybe seems unbelievable, but it is true. It is going to be revealed! What might it look like?
In the NESARA society our Creator wants us to have excellence in all areas of our lives. We’ll find wonderful abilities untapped like treasure for the betterment of humanity with witty inventions of new technologies to enhance and improve our lives. When one is not struggling for mere existence, boundless creativity can exist.
Our transition will be from the chaotic systems we've endured to an environment that will feel like miracles before our very eyes. We will participate in fabulous benefits of the new wonders, inventions, and resources of our world. New technologies will enhance every aspect of living and ridding society of hunger, poverty, ignorance, injustice, prejudice and lack of understanding through educational methods will enable everyone with an in-depth understanding of traditional and non-traditional knowledge absolutely free. It will become a right of every human to be empowered with the highest levels of education in every discipline desired.
The results will be simple: the Human Resource will be viable for the future of humanity. There will no longer be sickness or disease, hunger or poverty, war or the causes of war among humanity, or natural disasters without protection from the elements thereof using new engineering and advanced materials sufficient to withstand typical natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, or the impact of a meteor.
The benefits will also include technology for the cure of present day medical illness without common pharmaceuticals, advanced technology to replace missing limbs, advanced technology to correct physical issues related to mental illness, advanced technology to reverse aging, advanced technology to remove negative elements within illegal vaccines designed for depopulation.
Imagine the creation of new superfoods that will enhance the human body in so many areas and supply food without those chemicals that have tainted our food supply. Imagine 86 new food groups and new wonderful gourmet dishes made from new food sources.
Imagine the creation and implementation of new transportation technology that does not pollute the environment or use of fossil fuels. Imagine flying your RV to remote camping sites using all the comforts of home without disrupting the environment. Boating on Oceans and Lakes but not making wakes but flying to locations and settling on the waters again with all the comforts of home without disrupting or polluting the water but enjoying the habitats in or out of the water.
Also imagine the creation of new security forces to protect humanity from harm and security from the unknown. Imagine respecting all cultures and the people of host nations with their individual liberties and well-being; not the UN or any other world government concept but the same benefit to each host nation for the benefits of their people on Earth and in other planets with new transportation from Earth to other dimensions and plants eco-friendly to our own (Taken from Man of God Document 9).
What a glorious world that will be! For updates on NESARA/GESARA go here.
Here is a longer more complete history of the origins of NESARA and how it became law in the US. Feel free to download to study at your leisure.