The people of America are the savior of America!
The following is taken from the last chapter from our book
America's First Freedom, Part I
Available to download here
America's First Freedom, Part I
Available to download here
Heal The Divisions
Our nation is deeply divided by about every kind of issue you could mention. This has been a concerted, deliberate effort on the part of those who wanted to reduce our nation and her people to a camp of slaves.
But we are Americans! We are free, sovereign beings!
It is our desire to personally, as much as we can, begin helping to bind up the wounds of the psychological warfare we have recently endured. We urge all to join in this same pursuit. Make no mistake, we are coming to the ending of WWIII.
As President Lincoln said at the end of his 2nd Inaugural Speech:
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.
That is our task at hand. Each of us is responsible for healing these wounds.
This is a big job and one that will remain a lifetime endeavor. We must start sometime--now. And we must start somewhere--here. If it is to be, it is up to me! This is a worthy motto to adopt. Where can we help? Where can we sit and listen without offering an opinion of our own? Or hold the hand of someone who is suffering? Or offer words of encouragement instead of judgement? Remember the old adage—If not now, when? If not me, who?
It is time to talk about issues that we have avoided. It is time to feel better about ourselves, our families, and others. One doesn’t have to agree with someone to treat them the way we would like to be treated ourselves. One doesn’t have to be like everyone else to have value. In fact, it is frequently in our differences where our individual genius is to be found and where we have a chance to shine.
Here are some additional suggestions of things we can do, starting today, to help restore our own lives, our local areas, and our country to one of integrity, freedom and prosperity. It is not too late. We can each do our own small part which can add together with other small parts to become a tidal wave. It requires all of us to become involved, knowledgeable, and active.
Start at Home and Branch Out From There
When we have good spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health, we are better equipped to live a happy and productive life. If our well is dry, however, we won’t have much energy available from which to give anything to anyone else. One must begin taking care with the self, first, so there is plenty in there for sharing with others. Self-love is not the same thing as self-indulgence. Self-indulgence is doing whatever feels good or eating whatever tastes good or buying whatever we think we want—whether those choices serve us well in the long run or not. (Usually not.) Self-love is all about nurturing one’s self so we can operate at an optimal level now and in the future.
Attend to spiritual needs. This doesn’t necessarily mean going to church or a place of worship. Meditation is a wonderful way to slow down the monkey brain and establish inner tranquility. There are many teachers and practices of meditation. The goal is to sit quietly, with no outside distractions, and let go of all the mental chatter. In this quieted mind one is able to feel the vibration of love and to receive messages from deeper within one’s self. This is a way to establish a regular communication with the Inner Knower (or whatever you call God). This is not just a whimsical pastime. When the mind finds tranquility it can function more productively. When the mind is full of chaos it leads to unwise, often harmful, decisions.
Listen for the still, small voice within. Connect with the spiritual center to be sure our inner compass is properly calibrated. If our path is generally one of peace, joy, and love, our compass is working. If our life is full of drama, anger, and turmoil, our compass is leading us astray. Learning who we really are, in all our inner glory, is a good place to start getting it back in line. Belief in God is primary. This is not necessarily about going to church or church activities. It may be, but we can decide for ourselves whether those leading our chosen church are in alignment with our family and our values.
In order to do this, we suggest you must turn off our TV and limit time spent on social media and peering at our computers and smart phones! We have frequently been misled and programmed by the media. That regained time can be spent reading, researching, and enlightening oneself on a wide array of uplifting subjects. Contemplate introspective subjects.
Verbal types can discuss ideas with someone close. Writing types can use a daily journal to hash out interesting thoughts. Introverts can find a special place to sit and ponder deeper questions. Social types can join a discussion group if it has similar objectives. The point is, take care to feed the mind and spirit with the best quality of food in order to enhance one’s vitality.
Begin a journey to know thyself. One of the best ways we’ve found is to begin understanding at the personality level and then go from there. The personality is a good place to begin, because it is how we’ve learned to present ourselves to the world. Most of us don’t really understand our be-ing. We think we should always be do-ing. We often judge ourselves and others as right or wrong. Be loving and accepting of our own strengths and weaknesses and do the same for others. See the link on our website to an online personal profile survey.
Take good care of the physical and emotional bodies. Just as what goes into the mind and spirit affects mental and spiritual health, so what goes into our bodies and emotions reflects in the quality of our health. Junk in, junk out, so to speak. Seek the best quality of physical and emotional food.
· Learn the best supplements to help support your body. Everyone is different, so what helps one person may not help all. Learn your own needs.
· Get plenty of sleep, take naps!
· If you don’t have your own pet(s), enjoy your neighbors’ dogs, cats, or whatever, to give love and affection. You’ll get plenty back from them!
· Lists of suggested reading, videos and livestream classes will be on our website eventually.
Take good care of your family. Your spouse or significant other and children, if any, should be the very next most important thing. This is where one begins to share outwardly from the well that has been filled from above.
Get to know and help your neighbors. One of the most useful tools of social media are the neighborhood groups available on them. Many of us live our lives knowing very little if anything about the people who live on each side or across the street. In order to help if and when needed, each little pod of neighbors needs to get to know each other first. Start with saying hello when passing a neighbor while walking. Ask them about what flowers they grow, or compliment them on the yard. It’s easy from there to ask their name and to find out if they would like come over for a glass of wine or cup of coffee sometime, if you are so inclined. Over a nice beverage one can find out more about them and what challenges they might be facing at a given moment.
Continue to seek out teachers, groups and friends who can help us develop ourselves spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. We grow and improve ourselves based upon who we are surrounded by. Successful businesspeople have realized this for years. Look for like-minded folks to share ideas and inspiration. Access uplifting videos, books, and podcasts to fill the mind with expanding concepts. It is said that we will rise to the spiritual and moral level of the five people we spend the most time with. Look for places and ways to have fun, laugh and share joy!
But we are Americans! We are free, sovereign beings!
It is our desire to personally, as much as we can, begin helping to bind up the wounds of the psychological warfare we have recently endured. We urge all to join in this same pursuit. Make no mistake, we are coming to the ending of WWIII.
As President Lincoln said at the end of his 2nd Inaugural Speech:
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.
That is our task at hand. Each of us is responsible for healing these wounds.
- Our own inner wounds—where are we hurt, blameful, unforgiving?
- What wounds still exist in our families—where do we have divisions, misunderstandings, painful memories, and lack of forgiveness within and toward our immediate and extended families (aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc.)? What can we begin to offer them instead, and how would that change the relationship?
- What division and wounds exist in our local neighborhoods and communities? Where can we help smooth the hurts and bind up the wounds?
- At the national level, where are the divisions we have participated in and therefore encouraged? Do we have feelings regarding race, gender, ethnicity, politics, or other issues that we need to heal within ourselves and help others heal? Ranting and making accusations against each other seems to be the norm today, but is counter-productive in healing the division.
- In each of these areas—self, family, community, nation—where could we show more understanding? More kindness or patience? More respect for the rights of others to their differing opinions? One doesn’t have to agree with someone, or even like them, to treat them with respect and kindness.
This is a big job and one that will remain a lifetime endeavor. We must start sometime--now. And we must start somewhere--here. If it is to be, it is up to me! This is a worthy motto to adopt. Where can we help? Where can we sit and listen without offering an opinion of our own? Or hold the hand of someone who is suffering? Or offer words of encouragement instead of judgement? Remember the old adage—If not now, when? If not me, who?
It is time to talk about issues that we have avoided. It is time to feel better about ourselves, our families, and others. One doesn’t have to agree with someone to treat them the way we would like to be treated ourselves. One doesn’t have to be like everyone else to have value. In fact, it is frequently in our differences where our individual genius is to be found and where we have a chance to shine.
Here are some additional suggestions of things we can do, starting today, to help restore our own lives, our local areas, and our country to one of integrity, freedom and prosperity. It is not too late. We can each do our own small part which can add together with other small parts to become a tidal wave. It requires all of us to become involved, knowledgeable, and active.
Start at Home and Branch Out From There
When we have good spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health, we are better equipped to live a happy and productive life. If our well is dry, however, we won’t have much energy available from which to give anything to anyone else. One must begin taking care with the self, first, so there is plenty in there for sharing with others. Self-love is not the same thing as self-indulgence. Self-indulgence is doing whatever feels good or eating whatever tastes good or buying whatever we think we want—whether those choices serve us well in the long run or not. (Usually not.) Self-love is all about nurturing one’s self so we can operate at an optimal level now and in the future.
Attend to spiritual needs. This doesn’t necessarily mean going to church or a place of worship. Meditation is a wonderful way to slow down the monkey brain and establish inner tranquility. There are many teachers and practices of meditation. The goal is to sit quietly, with no outside distractions, and let go of all the mental chatter. In this quieted mind one is able to feel the vibration of love and to receive messages from deeper within one’s self. This is a way to establish a regular communication with the Inner Knower (or whatever you call God). This is not just a whimsical pastime. When the mind finds tranquility it can function more productively. When the mind is full of chaos it leads to unwise, often harmful, decisions.
Listen for the still, small voice within. Connect with the spiritual center to be sure our inner compass is properly calibrated. If our path is generally one of peace, joy, and love, our compass is working. If our life is full of drama, anger, and turmoil, our compass is leading us astray. Learning who we really are, in all our inner glory, is a good place to start getting it back in line. Belief in God is primary. This is not necessarily about going to church or church activities. It may be, but we can decide for ourselves whether those leading our chosen church are in alignment with our family and our values.
In order to do this, we suggest you must turn off our TV and limit time spent on social media and peering at our computers and smart phones! We have frequently been misled and programmed by the media. That regained time can be spent reading, researching, and enlightening oneself on a wide array of uplifting subjects. Contemplate introspective subjects.
- What are the ten (twenty?) best things about me? About my spouse? My children? My friends? That person at work who irritates me? You would be amazed at how powerfully this exercise can change for the better your perspective in personal relationships and thus the relationships themselves!
- If I found the ideal church I would love to attend, what would be its creed and discipline?
- What is the difference between a right and a privilege?
- What important lesson did I learn from the last book I read?
- What are the core differences in our political parties? What does each seek, and how does each, generally, go about achieving its objectives? How are they similar to each other? (We all know pretty well how they differ!)
- How can I better show my spouse and my children my love for them?
- What amazing thing did my child say today?
Verbal types can discuss ideas with someone close. Writing types can use a daily journal to hash out interesting thoughts. Introverts can find a special place to sit and ponder deeper questions. Social types can join a discussion group if it has similar objectives. The point is, take care to feed the mind and spirit with the best quality of food in order to enhance one’s vitality.
Begin a journey to know thyself. One of the best ways we’ve found is to begin understanding at the personality level and then go from there. The personality is a good place to begin, because it is how we’ve learned to present ourselves to the world. Most of us don’t really understand our be-ing. We think we should always be do-ing. We often judge ourselves and others as right or wrong. Be loving and accepting of our own strengths and weaknesses and do the same for others. See the link on our website to an online personal profile survey.
Take good care of the physical and emotional bodies. Just as what goes into the mind and spirit affects mental and spiritual health, so what goes into our bodies and emotions reflects in the quality of our health. Junk in, junk out, so to speak. Seek the best quality of physical and emotional food.
- Eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of clean water.
- Breathe clean air (do the best you can with this one).
- Rest, exercise, and love.
- Keep company with those who freely offer encouragement and uplifting insight and offer the same to those in our lives.
- Learn to be more self-sufficient.
- Start a little garden to grow good food or buy organic from local vendors, farmers, and neighbors, or go to the local Farmer’s Market if you have one.
· Learn the best supplements to help support your body. Everyone is different, so what helps one person may not help all. Learn your own needs.
· Get plenty of sleep, take naps!
· If you don’t have your own pet(s), enjoy your neighbors’ dogs, cats, or whatever, to give love and affection. You’ll get plenty back from them!
· Lists of suggested reading, videos and livestream classes will be on our website eventually.
Take good care of your family. Your spouse or significant other and children, if any, should be the very next most important thing. This is where one begins to share outwardly from the well that has been filled from above.
- Spend quality time.
- Show your love and devotion in ways meaningful to each individual. Learn what each likes best—little gifts, deep conversations, affectionate touches—and give that back to them.
- Spend time playing and talking with the family. Remember when families ate dinner at the same table, at the same time, and talked to each other? Laughed together? Played board games together on Saturday nights after dinner? No phones? No social media? Perhaps we have lost something precious, but it’s not too late to recoup some of what was good about that way of life. If you think that you don’t like board games, consider that the activity itself is not what is important. The important part is finding out what lights up those children or that spouse, and doing more of that activity! Isn’t time spent igniting that light way more important than one’s own degree of interest or lack thereof?
- Listen to your spouse and children without judgement. Realize they are spiritual beings just as you are.
- By limiting the mindless media, you may find you have more time for getting better sleep, taking walks, and spending quality time with those you love.
- Become and remain aware of what the schools are teaching your children. Visit the classroom. Express your opinions about what is being taught. Teach them the truth about the founding of our country and the importance of our founding documents. Teach them values like honesty, truthfulness, caring about others, loving, and sharing. Whatever you value is something you should talk to your children about. Let them begin to share what they value with you, as well.
- Seek out the very best educational opportunities for your children. Don’t let someone else decide what they are taught and led to believe. Many children thrive with online or at home schooling. Supplement with lots of interaction with other children. One of the biggest reasons for going to school is not the book knowledge, but for children to learn how they want to be in the world. Don’t be afraid to try new ways of learning.
Get to know and help your neighbors. One of the most useful tools of social media are the neighborhood groups available on them. Many of us live our lives knowing very little if anything about the people who live on each side or across the street. In order to help if and when needed, each little pod of neighbors needs to get to know each other first. Start with saying hello when passing a neighbor while walking. Ask them about what flowers they grow, or compliment them on the yard. It’s easy from there to ask their name and to find out if they would like come over for a glass of wine or cup of coffee sometime, if you are so inclined. Over a nice beverage one can find out more about them and what challenges they might be facing at a given moment.
- Become one who helps others out.
- Be part of neighborhood social activities.
- Form neighborhood work groups to help the elderly, disabled, or ill neighbors. You might think there is little you can do, but sharing a homemade pie or sack of groceries or mowing a lawn or shoveling snow or just sitting and listening can go a long way to brighten someone’s day and to create stronger bonds in our neighborhoods.
- If you would like more information about what has been written here, we suggest that you do your own research. While it is a bit painstaking, it is worth it. We each need to become involved in what is happening in our communities and our world. We all need to form our own decisions. On the heels of writing about LMI, we found many subjects that are quite riveting.
- Be aware of local issues and participate whenever possible. Learn to be a-political (unaffiliated) in seeking the best solutions for issues, regardless of the source of good ideas. Keep party politics from dividing our communities. Realize that we can have different perspectives without judging or condemning those who see things a little differently. Spend time talking about what is the common goal and solutions for challenges we face. Work in cooperation, not competition. Run for school board, city council, etc. if interested in shaping these areas of the community. Whether elected or not, attend local meetings, hearings, and discussions to hear what’s going on and to give your input.
- Educate one’s self about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in order to hold communities to the law of the land. See the drop down tab on our website with the Man of God documents. Find out how our laws are made and how to stop bad ones. Following are a few good references to get you started.
-—Offers many free online courses to learn about the Constitution and much more. Donations welcomed.
-—Provides free in-depth understanding of the Constitution and other important documents.
-—Sheriff Mack offers a six-week Constitution Course ($129). Excellent source for educating and vetting your own county sheriff. Donations welcomed.
-—While advertised as conservative, it is a great source for a more balanced understanding of many subjects. Donations welcomed.
- Annenberg Press—Understanding our Rights as Americans
Continue to seek out teachers, groups and friends who can help us develop ourselves spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. We grow and improve ourselves based upon who we are surrounded by. Successful businesspeople have realized this for years. Look for like-minded folks to share ideas and inspiration. Access uplifting videos, books, and podcasts to fill the mind with expanding concepts. It is said that we will rise to the spiritual and moral level of the five people we spend the most time with. Look for places and ways to have fun, laugh and share joy!
It will be a very sad day if all we have, out of this current turmoil, is a bunch of sheep bleating and looking around for the new shepherd or master, who’s going to lead us out of this. If that’s what we do, then we have failed and we’re doomed. We must each grow up, rise to the occasion, and become leaders ourselves; each ready to take a position at the helm. It’s the only way we survive. (Juan O. Savin, Kid By the Side of the Road)