Teachers With Impact
Wisdom from Abraham-Hicks.com
**What is ahead of you is a time when more humans than ever before, not all, but more humans than ever before are less inclined to need you to be different in order for them to find happiness. This story is about the intention that you held when you decided to be born into this physical body, and you are knowing that there could be a time when humans could interact with one another, not in the boredom that peace sometimes brings, but in the ecstasy that the understanding that same ness is not required in order for happiness to be experienced across the board.
**In other words, you knew that shortage consciousness is not a reality, it is a perception. And you came into this physical life experience perceived no shortage, knowing that there was enough of all wanted for everyone.
This is the surprise and delight that you are about to experience. You don’t have to be different for me to feel secure. You don’t have to be anything in order for me to accomplish alignment with the desires that my life has shown to me I desire.
**That thing you knew when you came into this physical body, that you’ve been looking for every day since. You intended at every opportunity to don the perspective of your broader knowing. You can have it all. This conversation is a master’s program for deliberate creators.”
**Relax and breathe a little bit and try not to feel regret over what you didn’t know before you knew it.
**What is the purpose of evolution of people? You came with a triad of intentions. You held them in equal proportion: freedom, growth, joy. You came to experience life because you knew that expansion was inevitable. You knew growth would come with you emphasizing it. It was inevitable. You expected it!
**The strongest purpose for your life because freedom and growth are givens, is JOY. You knew your awareness of joy would be the key to understanding your Guidance. The purpose of your life is joy.
**Freedom was that way too. You didn’t come intending to protest against bondage. You knew freedom was a given. You knew you were so free that you could choose bondage.
**We would like you to know that the grandest of all conspiracies is this conspiracy of Well-Being that your Inner Being, Source, God and All That Is has going on. There is a conspiracy of Well-being that if you could just let go of the things that prevent you from moving in the direction of joy, all your spirals would be upward—spirals of elation, clarity, fun, humor, and all the good stuff.”
Wisdom from Sharon O'Hara - The Growing Place
Quotes from her book Pearls From The Moon, Rays From The Sun
**A journey starts with the first step.
**At the end of each, remember to give thanks for all the dramas that passed through your life. Even the small, seemingly insignificant events are all a part of what is helping you to move toward a grander life. By thanking the Creator for giving you a chance to express yourself and interact in the drama of life, you will add an expression of peace and reverence for the events that helped to shape you during the day.
**Seeking the truth in all teachings will lead you to path of true enlightenment. Having hop allows you to utilize your natural gifts to a greater degree. It can revitalize your creativity and bring you out of a deep debilitating sleep.
**Take each day and mold it into something memorable.
**Your rights as a human include the right make your own choices. These choices are based on your past learning experiences, and they are also based on who you accept and follow as an example. The wise person will pick and choose his/her friends and leaders very carefully and will filter information from a wise place. To make choices from this vantage point of wisdom usually indicates you will select friends that are moving forward in life; and the wisest Teacher(s) will act as your guide(s).
**Each person has unique gifts and talents to be used in such a way that all who experience these gifts and talents benefit.
**It is always interesting to note that people who care for others seem to have a soft and gentle glow about them.
**You can best assist another individual by sharing basic tools for growth and self-understanding. Trying to do "it" for them not only disables them, but also robs them of their own energy. In essence, it literally prevents them from fulfilling their own tasks and debilitates them to the degree they will look to you to do even the simplest of their work.
**The ultimate gift, which you can both give and receive, is the gift of Love.
**A journey starts with the first step.
**At the end of each, remember to give thanks for all the dramas that passed through your life. Even the small, seemingly insignificant events are all a part of what is helping you to move toward a grander life. By thanking the Creator for giving you a chance to express yourself and interact in the drama of life, you will add an expression of peace and reverence for the events that helped to shape you during the day.
**Seeking the truth in all teachings will lead you to path of true enlightenment. Having hop allows you to utilize your natural gifts to a greater degree. It can revitalize your creativity and bring you out of a deep debilitating sleep.
**Take each day and mold it into something memorable.
**Your rights as a human include the right make your own choices. These choices are based on your past learning experiences, and they are also based on who you accept and follow as an example. The wise person will pick and choose his/her friends and leaders very carefully and will filter information from a wise place. To make choices from this vantage point of wisdom usually indicates you will select friends that are moving forward in life; and the wisest Teacher(s) will act as your guide(s).
**Each person has unique gifts and talents to be used in such a way that all who experience these gifts and talents benefit.
**It is always interesting to note that people who care for others seem to have a soft and gentle glow about them.
**You can best assist another individual by sharing basic tools for growth and self-understanding. Trying to do "it" for them not only disables them, but also robs them of their own energy. In essence, it literally prevents them from fulfilling their own tasks and debilitates them to the degree they will look to you to do even the simplest of their work.
**The ultimate gift, which you can both give and receive, is the gift of Love.