They are soon to be vindicated and remembered in a special way.
Be sure to remember the brave men and women who have died to make our land free!
They are soon to be vindicated and remembered in a special way.
leI just heard a statistic that only 3% of Americans have read the documents that founded our country?
We will send you a FREE pocket Declaration of Independence and Constitution given compliments of Hillsdale College. Click here and give us your physical address and we will put one in the mail to you ASAP. Some interesting research I've discovered latedly. It has been added to the latest version of America's First Freedom Part II, but is also here for your reading enjoyment. Remember this is a work in progress!
Go here for Historical Tid-Bits. On a path to getting to know who you really are, it is important to take a good look at your personality style and the styles of others. For many years we gave workshops and seminars about this subject. The purpose of these workshops was to help individuals who worked (or lived) together find better communication. We taught that most misunderstandings occurred when communication is not clear.
Go here to take a free survey to help you know yourself a lot better! Have fun! Quick answer and the bottom line is. . . Yes! How? Mainly by the Internal Revenue Service and its codes and controls.
Premise #1: You can’t make broad, sweeping statements that include every individual within organizational structures, including religious ones. Premise#2: Some very malevolent international “investors” have methodically taken over our country in every corner and under every rock. This group that we’ve called the Cabal, or the Deep State, have wielded immeasurable and unimaginary powers and influence in society worldwide. Let’s just begin in 1871 in the US. This story goes back much, much farther to include Biblical times and ancient civilizations, but that is a story for another time. To simplify, we’ll just start in 1871. You can read what we've written about this in our book, America's First Freedom, Part I. With this Act, the US Corporation was formed and the European venture capitalists (the Cabal) virtually took over the governing of the US. They rewrote the constitution cleverly disguising it to protect and enhance the corporation and its investors rather than WE THE PEOPLE. They systematically began to take control of all the vital parts of our society. This included education of the citizens, medical education/care, and more. The more included religious institutions and education. They are/were in no hurry. They knew it would take many years and several generations to erase the past and create a new “history.” Let's focus on how this affected religious organizations today. On February 21, 1871 Ulysses S. Grant signed the Organic Act of 1871. On the surface, what isn’t explained is that the Cabal was creating a way to take control of the government of the US by forming a corporation of which they were the founders and owners. This completed a triumvirate of three city-states to control the entire world. This triad became London, as the financial center; Washington DC as the military center; and Vatican City as the spiritual center. It is important to note that previously both the English Empire and the Catholic Church had come upon hard financial times and had borrowed from this same group of investors—the Cabal. Both were powerful in their own right but were also beholden to the Cabal because of these loans. The Cabal, in an effort to gain full control of this new upstart country of the United States, knew that an extremely important key was to go to the heart of why the country was formed—for freedom of religion! History shows that parallel to taking control of individuals through the birth certificate and Social Security numbers, control of churches was gained through the codes and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. Wording began to show up in 1894 with the Tariff Act of 1894 as the earliest statutory (statutes are written and governed by the US Corp.) reference to tax exemption for certain organizations. Then the Revenue Act of 1913 established the income tax system with exemption for certain organizations. Of course, upon deep research and the testimony of many IRS agents, it is suspect that the Revenue Act of 1913 (the 16th Amendment) was ever properly ratified. That is another whole research project. It wasn’t until 1954 upon the establishment of the modern tax code, that section 501(c) for exempt organizations came into play. It is to be noted that churches, specifically, were not required to apply for this exempt status (that is according to legal counsel we received in 1979). Read more at In practical terms it has become a requirement if a church wants to have donations given to them and be not be challenged as deductible for the giver. In this time of the reign of tyranny by the IRS, individuals are basically required to prove that any church they donate to (or other tax-exempt organization for that matter) have been granted the 501(c)3 exempt status by the IRS. Otherwise, the individual may not be allowed the deduction on their personal tax return. This is a powerful hammer that the IRS wields over many struggling young churches. There are 14 guidelines that IRS uses to determine if this organization meets their standards and requirements. We cover those guidelines in our book. We concluded it is not possible to follow God and also the IRS. Churches who have jumped through this hoop, in our opinion at this point in time, have capitulated and surrendered to the control of the Cabal. Councils of Churches—including the World Council and the National Council—were formed around the time of WWII. With very lofty and humanitarian sounding goals, these organizations had the Cabal at their roots trying to organize and unify churches under a banner that could be controlled by them. In our opinion, any church that has 501(c)3 status or belongs to any of the world’s Council of Churches, is part of the cabalistic system and not one that we would have any affiliation with or endorsement of. Choose whom you follow very carefully. Whatever you utter after those powerful words, "I AM..." are what you are and will become more of. Make sure those words are empowering and positive.
As a country -- even as a world -- we are experiencing unparalleled, never-before-seen events and circumstances in our lives. It is all about to change. We are offering some suggestions here for you to consider. We have worked with direct selling companies since 1976 and have seen them come and go. It has been like picking one's way through a mine-field filled with explosive devices. We have had success and we have had lots of failures. is there really anything that can be considered "failure"? NO!
Every venture has been a "learning" experience. Pretty common and almost trite expression, but oh so true. Every company, relationship and scenario has given us vast and valuable data, or experience, to carry forth to our next adventure. We won't go into the past, but from where we sit today (May 2023), we have a few suggestions of companies that we feel are well-run and have lasting benefits for building our new society.
Download free copies of America's First Freedom here.
Liberty Ministries 2021
We started Liberty Ministries Int'l in 1979. We revived the movement in 2021, with a continued message of personal freedom and joy-filled living. You'll want to sign up for an RSS reader to have the blog sent to you when it is posted.
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