This needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
In addition to this undeniable fact, I have some extra insider information to share. I am in contact with a person who when he was younger (just barely out of highschool), he was hired by a 3-letter government agency for his outstanding computer and internet skills. At that very young age he was used to work on software that could track the cell phone pings of anyone in the world. Of course, at that time it was primarily used to keep an eye on terrorists in the Middle East.
He finally reached a point where, for reasons of his own, he left that government agency to pursue a more "normal" life. But, during that tenure he developed some very deep and abiding relationships with one or more friends in that same situation. His contact with them has given him the ability to know and be able to share some very important "intel" from inside such government agencies.
As he was watching the premier of 2000 Mules, the movie, on Sunday he was startled to see that screenshots were being shown of the very software that he had worked on as a young man. He had not expected to see that. He reached out to his contact and it was confirmed that, in fact, being shown was software used to "catch" over 2000 individuals in the process of ballot harvesting and stuffing the drop boxes -- in violation of many state and federal laws.
What it means is this: the "White Hat Miliary" has control of the NSA and were watching the entire election process take place. They knew ahead of time that the election was going to be compromised - stolen - and they were poised to capture it all as evidence.
As has been said by many, including President Trump, "WE HAVE IT ALL!"
The Deep State has been caught and the reveal is just around the corner! This movie, 2000 Mules, is like a preview to the coming event! Be sure to see it, if you haven't already. We would like to suggest you go to and pay for view, or buy a copy. Making movies is expensive and Mr. D'Souza had done a stunning job. He worthy of his hire.
If you can't or won't spend that small amount, then go here for no charge (these links are being shadow-banned and taken down by the Deep State. I'll try to keep a workable link here. Let me know if any link is broken.
BUCKLE UP! Events are going to become very interesting.