We've been sold a bill of goods. We are NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional Republic. If you don't realize the difference go to our book, America's First Freedom, Part I and read at least chapter 2.
After we are clear that our nation was established with a clear "sequence of authority" -- God First, then We The People, and then the government formed by the People. When the founding fathers came together to form this more perfect union, they knew this proper sequence of authority. They took days and months to hash out and come to a consensus of how we might build this great experiment call the united states for America.
When asked what form of government we had, after their decisions were made, Benjamin Franklin said, "It is a Republic--if you can keep it."
The founding fathers knew the dangers of mob rule call democracy. Our currect educational system and media insist on promulgating the refrain for "democracy."
Be alert. When you hear some politician talk about our democracy, it could be wolf in sheep's clothing trying to feed you propoganda!