When we first started Liberty Ministries Int'l (LMI) in 1979, we learned about the Illuminati, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, etc.
It scared the bejesus out of me! I knew in my bones and heart that it was all true, but I also felt totally helpless to do anything about it.
It has been ruminating in my being ever since that I need to play a part (however small) to fix this and rid our lives of this evil.
I am happy to say that finally, though, these institutions, people and groups are being dealt with.
It is just so sad that we all turned a blind eye to this going on. We were told that the NEW WORLD ORDER was coming.
I am so thankful for so many who are waking up and standing up. Those evil forces really have no control, once we take a stand.
Sorry I cannot embed the video here. I am technically challenged!
Click here to view: https://rumble.com/v35oaik-1967.html