Abraham Lincoln – Elected to Congress (1846)
John F Kennedy – Elected to Congress (1946)
Abraham Lincoln – Elected as President (1860)
John F Kennedy – Elected as President (1960)
BOTH Presidents were assassinated on FRIDAY! - (SHOT ON THE HEAD)
Both Presidents have SEVEN letters in their LAST NAME – “LINCOLN” & “KENNEDY.”
Their assassins had 15 letters in their name:
Abraham Lincoln assassin – “John Wilkes Booth”
John F. Kennedy assassin – “Lee Harvey Oswald”
Abraham Lincoln was shot at the theatre named “FORD.”
John F Kennedy was shot in a car named Lincoln made by “FORD.”
Both Presidents were in their 30’s when they married. Both of their wives were in their 20’s.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in a THEATRE and his assassin ran and hid in a WAREHOUSE.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a WAREHOUSE and his assassin ran and hid in a THEATRE.