I could have said it looks like our society is going to the dogs, but "hell in a handbasket is much more colorful. Look what I found on the internet just now.
When you say things are going to ‘Hell In A Handbasket’ you mean that a situation is
rapidly deteriorating or that you are set firmly on a course for disaster.
Example of use: “How’s work going?” Answer: “Horrible. Everything’s going to hell in a handbasket.”
Interesting fact about Hell in a Handbasket
The origin of the phrase ‘hell in a handbasket’ can be found in the practice of capturing the heads of guillotine victims in a basket, with the presumption being that these criminals would be going straight to hell for their crimes. Although the phrase is thought to have originated sometime during the 18th century, the first printed example is found in Winslow Ayer’s book on the American Civil War, The Great North-Western Conspiracy.
So believe me when I say we are NOT going to hell in a handbasket, we are heading for the Golden Age of Awakening and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!