In a world of political instability, the United States of America has emerged having one of the world’s oldest constituted governments. In short, America is the greatest nation on earth because of its brilliant Constitution, drafted through the wisdom and foresight of America’s Founding Fathers, who alone realized the proper sequence of authority in government.
What Is the Proper Sequence of Authority?
America is the greatest nation on earth because its founders understood the proper sequence of authority. The United States of America is the only modern nation founded by men who believed that God belonged above them, that the individual is the sovereign form of government on earth, and that man-made government belonged beneath them.
Endows man with Certain Inalienable Rights
Look to God for guidance
Establish the guidelines for its government
Retain the right to alter or replace said government
Derives their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed
Time to return to the proper sequence of authority in America today!