Inflation. Interest rates. War. Politics. Foreign aid. Red tape. Bureaucracy. Property tax. Social Security. Bankruptcy. Gas shortages. Campaign speeches. Income tax. Crime. Welfare. Government regulations. Local taxes. Easy credit. Overdue bills. Price controls.
These problems of the United States are inter-related. Sometimes we get so close to the trees we can’t see the forest. The purpose of this book is to help you rise up and look at the nation from above. If you can call a momentary halt to your seemingly insoluble daily problems, then you can use this book to rise above those problems and look down on them. Only then will the obvious pattern appear.
All these problems stem from fundamental ignorance of the founding principles of America. America’s freedoms are rapidly being eroded by a collectivist philosophy that denies individual freedom and personal worth, in favor of a socialistic mob psychology which seems to assume that the free enterprise system that built this nation is no longer capable of working. As we see America supporting more and more Communist nations around the world, while growing more socialistic at home, the threat of creeping Communism has turned into more of a 100-yard dash!
This book is not like any of the doomsday diatribe or conspiracy theory, right-wing paperbacks you may have read. We are primarily interested in solutions, not problems. That means workable solutions, not tired old cliches, like “write your Congressman” or “vote Republican” or “get involved in local politics.” We are offering a solution which is guaranteed to turn this nation around, whether you become a direct participant in it or just a spectator. The individuals who take part in the solution described in this book will comprise an elite group of positive thinking patriots. You can either choose to be a part of them or part of the majority.
These programs are not for everyone. History has always been made by the dedicated few, not the masses. There are three types of people. Leaders are those who make things happen comprising about one percent of people. Then there are those who watch things happen, or Watchers. They make up about nineteen percent of the population. The remaining eighty percent are Sleepers that don’t know what’s happening. If just one percent of Americans, the Leaders, use the solutions described in this book, they will provide enough leadership to carry the ninety-nine percent into a new and dynamic period of American history.
This book is a product of the entire staff of a unique, new organization called Liberty Ministries International. It is safe to say that there is no other organization on earth like LMI. If you disagree, at least try to keep an open mind as you read this book. Avoid the “Pigeon-Hole Technique” of assigning us to categories based on your previous reading. We offer a money-back guarantee that the ideas in this book, taken as a whole, are unlike anything you’ve ever read before.
The solutions described herein could very well be America’s last chance to survive long enough to reach the year 2000. The solutions will immediately help you personally and financially. Even if you don’t want to help yourself, give these ideas a chance for your children’s sake and for the future generations of Americans. You owe it to them, if not yourself. The day will come when you will be proud to be associated with LMI and the ideas we introduced to you.
These are exciting times in which we live. We are on the fringe of a tremendous surge of interest, awareness, and involvement. And you can get in on the ground floor.
This book will be short and to the point. You are welcome to do what most people do: skim the book and find out what the bottom line is at the end. But if you do, you will be missing the valuable background material that makes the bottom line make sense. The search for truth is often more valuable on the journey than at the destination.
If you learned that a long-lost relative bequeathed you a valuable treasure, wouldn’t you bother to claim it? What if the directions to the treasure were vague, and you needed to spend many hours hunting for it? I hope you would take the time to hunt for it, for liberty is a treasure worth cherishing. Despite the fact that the treasure map has been with us day and night for two hundred years in the form of the documents you will want to read—The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and a collection of important American essays—very few Americans have taken the time necessary to locate and study their timeless and priceless treasure of personal religious and economic freedom!
Liberty is like a valuable jewel. It is not a cheap thrill or a passing shiny pleasure. Many people confuse liberty with license or self-indulgent behavior. However, true liberty is a highly moral and responsible way of life. Most Americans have forgotten how to live as Sovereign Citizens.
This is your nation. It does not belong to the government, unless you define the government as it was originally intended to be: “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Today, it is more “of the Presidential staff, by the tax collector, and for the Federal Agencies.”
Abraham Lincoln once said, “This country belongs to the people. Whenever they grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending or abolishing it.” We believe the current generation of Americans will amend or abolish the current form of government in favor of one which is more in the image of America’s founding freedoms.
The next generation will be one of the most exciting in American history. The challenges will be as large as they were in the important decades of the 1780s, the 1860s and the 1930s. We believe the American generation of the last quarter of the Twentieth Century is armed to meet those challenges. They are armed with great reserves of character and will-power. They will soon be armed with the truth about America. And most importantly, they will be armed with the spirit and power of the Creator, who alone is to be praised and worshipped for endowing free men and women everywhere with the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The above is the Introduction to America's First Freedom, written in 1980. You can download the entire finished book now from As you begin to read it, prepare for your life to be permanently changed for the better. God bless you in your reading! (Original author: Gary Alexander)